June 10, 2013

90% Deadlift Night!

Well, some days are terrible and you are just not feeling it, the weight seems super heavy, you are low energy etc.  THEN, there are days like today.  I came in feeling great and ready to lift.  The confidence I feel in my strength is growing all the time.  All the work that I am doing to strengthen my lower back is paying off exponentially!  185 for 2 went up smooth and easy...I NEVER, EVER thought I would say that...very exciting to see hard work paying off.  

Week 4 - Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid

Warm up/Stretching

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Bent over Hamstring Stretch

Foam rolling

Wrist Mobility with purple band

30 Banded Good Mornings

Main Work

1 x 2 Conventional Full gear @ 185#

5 x 3 Speed Pulls @ 155#

3 x 5 Straight Leg/Romanian Deadlift @ 125#

2 x 15 Bent Over Row @105#

Row Burnout - 20 Reps @ 65#

2 x 20 Shrugs @ 115#

Burnout - 34 Reps @ 75#