June 17, 2013

Bench Night 6/11

Today was a first in Powerlifting...there was ALL women, except for Matt, of course.  Poor guy was engulfed in estrogen LOL.

All in all, this was a good training session.  The weights are starting to get pretty heavy, the last of the 5 reps is a struggle but I complete all reps as prescribed.   

Week 5 - Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid


2 min. Wall Pec Stretch

30 Pull Aparts

30 Bar Bench Press Reps

Main Work

2 x 5 Speed Bench @ 90#

2 x 5 Pause Press @ 100#

2 x 5 Paused CGB @ 95#

2 x 10 Strict Press @ 60#

2 x 5 Bent Over Rows @ 105#

50 Bandy Press Downs

50 Diamond Push Ups

3x Killer Kore