June 24, 2013

Deadlifts 6/20...

Tonight we did Deadlifts and it was NOT a good night for me.  I was feeling off and not motivated from the beginning.  And when your off you can sometimes fall victim to the math monster!  That is exactly what happen to me, I completely added my working sets incorrectly and did not figure it out until after I finished them...all the while thinking the weight seemed light and I was feeling strong but I had 20 pounds less on the bar than I was supposed to have.  BUT I finished all my accessory work and came back in Sunday to do my actual working sets and nailed them...still felt strong and weight felt light.

Week 6 - Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid

Warm Up/Stretching

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch for 2 mins

Stand or Sitting Hamstring Stretch

Roll Bottom of feet with Lax ball

30 Banded Good Mornings

Warm Up to your 80% Deadlift

Main Work

3 x 3 80% @ 165#

3 x 3 65% Speed Pulls @ 135#

3 x 5 Straight Leg Deadlift @ 135#

2 x 15 Bent Over Row @ 115#
Row Burnout...as many Rows as possible

2 x 20 Shrugs @ 120#

Shrug Burnout..as many shrugs as possible