June 5, 2013

Bench Night!

Week 4 Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid Training

Warm up/stretching

30 Pull aparts with a band

30 Dislocates

Bench Stretch

25 Empty barbell reps

Main Work

2 x 8 Speed Bench 66% @ 80#

2 x 8 Pause Press 76% @ 90#

2 x 8 Paused Close Grip Bench(CGB) 71% @ 85#

2 x 10 Strict Press @ 55#

2 x 5 Bent Over Rows @ 100#.  Went too low on the weight with these...should have been @ around 115# or so.  Oops!

50 Bandy Press Downs

50 Diamond Push Ups

2x Killer Core

I was having a good night!  Felt great and got all the work done in a timely manner.  Hoping to hit big numbers come August 10th.