July 17, 2013


We're starting week 10 and things are getting heavy...BUT super good!!  LOVE skwats!

Week 10 - Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid 

Warm Up/Stretches-

Kneeling Hip Flexor 2 mins each leg

Hamstrings 2 mins each leg

Roll with Rumble Roller

Jumping squats

Extra hip stretches...was feeling super tight!

Main Work-

1 x 2 @ 180# (102% of Squat Max)...I was a bit of an overachiever and did about 105% of my max:)

1 x 5 Wide Box Squats @ 115# - No Belt

1 x 5 Wide Box Squats @ 120# - No Belt

3 x 10 Oly Squats @ 95# - No Belt

100 Air Squats...why, oh why do they hurt so bad!?