July 17, 2013

Week 9....

We are coming to the end of our training cycle.  Our SPF event is quickly approaching!  As of now training is going well...I am feeling super confident about my squat and deadlift...not so much about the bench but that's ok...something to work on.

Cube/Progressive Overload Hybrid


Warm up/Stretches-

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 2 mins. each leg

Calf Stretch 2 mins.

Rack/Squat stretch 2 mins.

25 Air Squats

Main Work-

1 x 2 (98% of Squat Max)

2 x 5 Wide Box Squats...working on posterior strength

3 x 10 Oly Squat @ 95#

100 Air Squats


Warm Up/Stretches-

Wall Pec stretch 2 mins each arm

30 Bandy pull aparts

25 Bar bench press reps

Main Work-

1 x 2 Pause Press @ 115#...only locked out 1 of 2

3 x 5 Paused @ 95#

2 x 10 Strict Press @ 45#...having elbow/forearm/wrist issues :(

100 Bandy Press Downs (50 each arm)

100 Dumbbell bench presses @ 15#


Warm Up/Stretches-

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 2 mins each leg

Standing or sitting hamstring stretch 2 mins.

30 Banded Goodmornings

Warm Up Deadlift

Main Work-

1 x 2 @ 195#

3 x 3 @ 145#

3 x 5 Straight Leg Deadlift at a 2 mat def @ 115#...can do heavier...just learning the movement.

1 x 20 Snatch Grip Block Pull @ 100#...no break! ouch